Tuesday 22 January 2013

Pen & Ink Sketches of Lorne

All Saints, Lorne
It seems that the Anglican and Uniting churches now operate a combined parish at Lorne, and hence the 8 am service on Sunday at the Anglican church was advertised as a combined service (as was the 10 am service at the Uniting church).    I had never been inside the Anglican church (All Saints) but, encouraged by the fact that I wouldn't be too far out of my depth, I attended the service.    

On my way out, I noticed that for a very reasonable sum, I could obtain a booklet entitled Pen & Ink Sketches of Lorne.

This is a fascinating publication!  It was actually first printed in 1890 (but reprinted in 1985), and was marked as being in aid of the Building Fund of the Church of England, Lorne.  I wondered if the proceeds of its continued sale over 120 years later were being similarly applied!

The booklet contains a number of interesting entries, including one on Teddy's Lookout.  I've previously blogged on the reason why the lookout is so named, and the booklet agrees that the story about the donkey named Teddy is unfounded.   In other words, even in 1890, the version about the donkey descending from the lookout at its own risk was being dismissed.   Instead, it supports the more boring view that the lookout is named after an early cattleman who came to this point to watch out for stray beasts.

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