Wednesday 8 August 2012


I'm used to receiving spam emails about "urgent" security issues from "banks", some of which I have an account with, and others that I don't.  They go automatically to "junk".  But the email in my inbox seemed to be from Optus, and I nearly fell for it!    It was headed "Valued Customer", and the text was ---
Your mailbox has exceeded 90% of its quota. When it reaches 100%, new
messages will be rejected and bounce back to the sender. To avoid missing
mail, please keep your mailbox at a reasonable size.

Refer to....[then a link to what appeared to be an Optus FAQ site was set out].
Yeah, I thought, it's just possible my settings in Thunderbird don't provide for automatic deletion of old emails.   And I was on the verge of clicking...but....."Valued Customer"?    Would Optus use that?    So I checked the settings in Thunderbird (they provided for automatic deletion), and then checked my mailbox on-line (not clogged up with old mail).  Thus, the email was obviously spam, and who knows what would have been the result if I had allowed my account to be hijacked (which I assume was the objective).

Just goes to show, it's important to be on your guard.  There's always a new angle that might catch you unaware.

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