Thursday 20 February 2014

Windows XP

Microsoft pulls the plug on support for Windows XP on 8 April.    That means it will no longer provide patches to update any security vulnerabilities that may emerge after that date.  [Edit: This is in spite of Windows 8 not being very popular].

XP is said still to constitute a significant proportion of operating systems in use - the Australian quoted NetMarketShare as giving a January 2014 figure of 29.23%(!), although the information appears to be behind a paywall.

At a recent Melb PC User Group meeting, two experts gave completely opposite views about the implications of this for anyone who still uses XP.

One view was, "Don't risk it, the world might fall in".  The other said, "Don't panic, there's only a remote chance of a major security hole being discovered in XP after all this time that the normal third-party anti-virus programs won't cover."

Let me say that (a) I'm in no position to make a judgement about this matter; and (b) the issue is academic so far as I'm concerned because we no longer use XP.

I do notice that Microsoft are using the event as an opportunity to push Windows 8.1 (see link above), but of course, they would, wouldn't they?   Likewise anti-virus vendors such as Kaspersky say that they'll still be there to provide "protection" to XP useers, but of course, they would, wouldn't they?

I suppose the issue that concerns me is that I've read that business is still a major user of XP.  I hope that any business that I have transactions with over the internet which is still using XP has fully assessed the situation and is taking good care of any data that they have about me!.

1 comment:

  1. Many businesses can't see the point of spending lots of money in buying new software when they can continue to use the existing software. I doubt whether any company which is still using Word for Cavemen will be overly worried about your data.
